Kristina E.

Kristina E.

Odpovídá do 48 hod., na 60% zpráv
60% 48 hod+

Kristina E.

Američanka in Praha teaching professional English to all levels

  • Doučuje také online
  • Od  600 Kč/hod
  • Preferované časy: dopoledne, po obědě, večer
Cena Od 600 Kč/hod
Preferované časy: dopoledne, po obědě, večer


*Nabízím kvalitní doučování angličtiny s rodilou mluvčí. Jsem Američanka s českým občanstvím žijící v Praze. Vystudovala jsem univerzitu na Floridě, fakultu pedagogickou a s učením mám bohaté zkušenosti.
*I offer quality English tutoring with a native speaker. I am an American, with Czech citizenship, living and teaching in Prague. I graduated from the University of Florida, Faculty of Education and I have extensive experience in teaching.
*I have been teaching English in Czech Republic for 5 years.
*I have taught all levels of learners. From primary school students to business owners.
*I tutor individually prepared lessons for all learning needs.
*I have experience preparing students for English maturita exams with successful outcomes.
• Native English speaker
• University degree in Education.
• Dual citizenship – Czech and USA
• Working and living abroad
• Experience from working in primary school – Scio Skola
• Experience from working in secondary school - Škola mezinárodních a veřejných vztahů Praha
• Experience teaching business English and conversations with the CEO's top managers
• Experience teaching top managers of Hornbach

Typy lekcí

Standardní lekce

600 Kč / 55 min.