Václav H. Ověřená identita

Václav H.

Ověřená identita
Přijímá nové studenty
Zkušební lekce zdarma

Václav H.

Přijímá nové studenty
Zkušební lekce zdarma

Rodilý mluvčí - pomůžu se základy i s pokročilou angličtinou

Cena Od 330 Kč
Preferované časy: dopoledne, po obědě, večer, víkend
Popis Typy lekcí Fotky & certifikáty Blogy Zodpovězené otázky


Ahoj, jmenuji se Václav a od svých tří let jsem žil v zahraničí. To mi umožnilo naučit se angličtinu na velmi vysoké úrovni a zároveň mi dalo přízvuk nerozeznatelný od přízvuku rodilého mluvčího. Od A1 až po C2, mohu vás naučit základy jako jsou časy, gramatika nebo pravopis, mohu s vámi ale také vést konverzace na jakékoli témata a na jakékoli úrovni. Teď, když jsem zpět v Čechách jako vysokoškolský student, věřím že je čas abych začal učit ostatní co jsem se naučil na svých cestách. Níže si můžete zarezervovat zkušební hodinu zdarma (:

Hi, my name is Vaclav and since I was three years old I lived abroad. This allowed me to learn English at the highest level, while giving me an accent indistinguishable from one of a native speaker. From A1 all the way to C2, I can teach you basics such as simple tenses, grammar or spelling, as well as converse with you about any topic at any level. Now that I am back in the the Czech Republic as a university student, I believe it is time for me to start teaching others, what I have learned on my travels. Below you can book a free trial of my lessons (:

Typy lekcí

Zkušební lekce

In a trial lesson we generally talk about what your goal within a set amount of lesons would be, as well as the specific field or skillset you would like to focuse on and aquire. A trial lesson is essential for you to get to know me better and figure out whether I would be the best fit for you. It also allows me to get a glimpse of your skill-set and set up the best learning program specific to your needs. Booking this free lesson won't hurt, it will simply allow you to get a glimpse of what is coming if you choose me as your tutor (:, so don't be shy and set up a trial lesson!!

Zdarma / 20 min.
English - Grammar

Grammar is at the very base of every language, including English. Learning grammar is the one thing that will grand you the pass to move from level A to level B and higher. I can teach you grammar whether you are a complete beginner, intermediate, or whether you just want to practice/review your knowledge in one of grammars many sectors. Some of these sectors being; spelling, tenses, vocabulary or syntax. Be sure to book a trial lesson, where we will figure out by when you want to achieve a specific goal, and based on that create a tailored plan specific to your needs (:

350 Kč / 60 min.
English - Conversation

Conversing correctly and fluently in English is probably one of the most dificult things to master when learning the language. To get up to level C2 in conversation, there is no other way but to practise on a daily basis. Together we will converse about any topic at any level, whether you are preparing for a holiday in London, and want to review your day-to-day talking skills, or whether you are a biologist specialising on deforestation, preparing for a presentation for a client based in the US. Furthermore, we can focuse specifically on your pronaunciation and/or your accent. Book a free tral lesson, and let me know what you'd like to talk about (:

330 Kč / 60 min.
English - Writing

Writing in English is as important as speaking or grammar, even though you might not use it as much in your every day life. Great writing and good syntax is exceptionally important when you start studying abroad, and are required to write reports in English, or for example when at work, you are asked to text back and forth with a client from a different country. Together we can build on your current writing skills and polish your syntax to perfection. Be sure to book my free trial lesson, where together we can craft a program tailored to your preferences.

340 Kč / 60 min.
Mathematics/Physics in English

Learning physics and matematics in english is a great idea if you are looking to studying or working abroad in one, or both of these fields. It is also no different to studying the subjects in czech, eccept for the language difference, and of course that is something I would also help you with. If you are wondering if I would be the best fit for you as a tutor, make sure to book a trial lesson, it is compleatly free of charge so don't be shy and lets get to work (:

400 Kč / 60 min.
350 Kč / 60 min.
350 Kč / 60 min.

Fotky a certifikáty

Blogy (1)

Mastering English: A Journey from A1 to C2

Learning English can be an exciting and transformative journey. Whether you're starting as a complete beginner or looking to refine your advanced skills, understanding the different proficiency…

Zodpovězené otázky (1)

Tento doučovatel odpověděl na následující studijní otázky

Václav H.

Překlad věty do Angličtiny

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