Pronunciation of the letter 'C'

Pronunciation of the letter 'C'

Publikováno: 10. 1. 2025 Autor: Lorraine B.

Did you know that the letter 'C' has 2 sounds? It does!
They are called the hard and soft sounds

The hard sound of the letter 'C' sounds like a 'K' This generally happens
when the letter 'C' comes before the letters 'A', 'O', and 'U'

Some examples of words with the hard 'C' sound are: carrot, cake, can, cube, curtain, care, castle, and cookie.

The soft sound of the letter 'C' sounds like an 'S' This generally happens
when the letter 'C' comes before the letters 'I', 'Y'. and 'E'

Some examples of words with the soft 'C' sound are: cell, city, race, fancy, pencil, cereal, juice, spicy, and cement.

Some words have both sounds! Some examples are: circle, cancel, concert, concern and cycle.

Looking at the rules above, are you pronouncing these words correctly?

A word that I often heard students mispronounced is: focus. This word has the hard sound, like a letter 'K'.   'Foe-kus'.

I hope this review of the hard and soft sounds of the letter 'C' is helpful for you!

Thank you for reading.

Lorraine Black