Eva H. Verified identity

Eva H.

Responds within 6 hrs, to 90% of messages
90% 6 hr
Verified identity
Accepts new students

Eva H.

Accepts new students

Let's learn how to speak English :)

  • Offers online lessons
  • From  350 Kč/hr
  • Preferred times: evenings, weekend
Price From 350 Kč/hr
Preferred times: evenings, weekend


My name is Eva and I come from Czech Republic. I have lived abroad for over 16 years and am fluent in English.
Do you want to learn how to speak and have fun conversations about you, your family, traveling, holidays, work related, prepare for an English exams?
Sky is a limit... I would be happy to help you to upgrade your written, oral or listening skills.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Chcete se zdokonalit v AJ? Tak to jste na spravne adrese, ziji v zahranici uz pres 16 let a mluvim plynne anglicky. Rada vas naucim zaklady, stejne tak jako zlepsim konverzacni uroven pro mirne pokrocile, ci pomohu s pripravou na pracovni pohovor v anglickem jazyce nebo na Cambridge testy.
Diky, budu se tesit na vzajemnou spolupraci :)!


Lesson types

Standardní lekce

350 Kč / 55 min