Štěpán C.

Štěpán C.

Приймає нових учнів

Štěpán C.

Приймає нових учнів

Angličtina se Štěpánem

  • Пропонує онлайн-заняття
  • Бажаний час: вдень, ввечері, у вихідні
Бажаний час: вдень, ввечері, у вихідні


Howdy! Jsem učitel angličtiny.
Nabízím: doučování (ZŠ a SŠ), online vzdělávání, zážitková angličtina, individuální výuka, angličtina v pohybu - jestli Vás nebaví někde sedět a máte chuť trénovat angličtinu v ulicích v Praze.

Vzdělání: angličtina - tělesná výchova (Univerzita Palackého)

INSTAGRAM: anglictina_se_stepanem

Můj příběh v angličtině (just to get the gist):
I am a Prague based teacher of English. It’s kind of a hobby of mine, so to speak. As for my life story, I was born and raised in the quiet, small town of Moravská Třebová, in the Czech Republic. Quite frankly, there wasn’t much entertainment back then. In my childhood, I killed a substantial amount of time doing individual sports, goofing around with my friends in the countryside, and playing strategy computer games. In secondary school I hated most of the subjects (particularly maths), except for English. Then I spent six years studying in Olomouc and enjoying the city’s bohemian style, beauty and tranquillity. There, I graduated with a major in English and physical education. Then I moved to Prague to start completely over.
I am gung-ho for English. I am very happy when I can be in the company of people who are willing to work hard. I am also passionate about educating young people and simply just being with them at school. I am a sort of a person who likes being the centre of attention in the classroom and I think that I’m pretty damn good at making people laugh.