study questions

Навчальні запитання

Швидка допомога з домашніх завдань
Jana P.

Předminulý versus minulý čas

I didn’t want to see that film because I ***saw/had seen it twice*** . Který čas v této větě správně prosím?

Roz L.

Najít chyby ve větách

Potřeboval bych pomoct najít chyby ve větách na stránce v příloze. Děkuji.

Barbora V.

A Letter of Complaint

Zdravím, pokud by se tady našel nějaký hodný člověk, který by byl ochotný mi zkouknout tento text v AJ, budu moc ráda. Je to kratičká stížnost na mp3 přehrávač. Děkuji! Dear Ms Brown, My name is Barbora Vinařová, a costumer of your shop. I am writing with regard to the Super Sound 6782 digital…

Olga H.

Present Simple , Continuous

Přítomný prostý/průběhový čas. + otázky 1) The whole class ( to write) a test right now. 2) People ( to use) the internet every day , 3) The students ( to work) hard at the moment .

Jana V.

Která možnost je prosím zde správně?

136) A: You paid for my drink, _? B: No problem. I owe you so much. did you didn’t you you did you didn’t

Jana V.

Která možnost je prosím zde správně?

1. _________ and had to be taken to hospital. The man had been injured badly The man had been badly injured The man had badly been injured Badly, had the man been injured

Jana V.

Která možnost je prosím zde správně?

82. There was ______ traffic on the road that we feared we wouldn´t make it to the airport on time. So much So Such a Such

Jana V.

Která možnost je prosím zde správně?

53. In many recruitment agencies, candidates have to ________ interview processes, which often means answering weird questions. Go through demanding Demonstrate hard Depend on difficult Deal with serious

Jana V.

Která možnost je prosím zde správně?

43. According to computer expert Tom Wall, computers _______ make accurate predictions about the future. Soon will be able Soon will have been able Will soon be able to Will soon have been able

Jana V.

Která možnost je prosím zde správně?

34. If people take the political crisis seriously, the goverment ______ by this time next year. Will resign Will have been resigned Will be resigning Will have resigned