Angie C.

Angie C.

Odpovídá do 13 hod., na 17% zpráv
17% 13 hod

Angie C.

Rodilý učitel mluvící čínsky--Angie Chen

  • Doučuje také online
  • Preferované časy: dopoledne, po obědě, večer, víkend
Preferované časy: dopoledne, po obědě, večer, víkend


***If you are interested and would like to learn Chinese, plz contact me directly via my gmail: angiechen0305, or LINE: angie03050, Thank you:)

Dobrý den, jmenuji se Angie.
I come from Taiwan. Currently, I'm living and working in Brno as a Chinese tacher, I would be willing to meet you by ZOOM:)

With over 4+ year of teaching experience, I love to help students find their goal and tailor the lesson accordingly. I offer a wide range of lesson from daily communication to the preparation for moving/working in a Mandarin-speaking country.

Looking forward to seeing you soon:)

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