study questions

Study questions

Quick help with homework exercise
Petra V.

Překlad: Go by yourself. ? Díky

Go yourself. = podle mně nesmysl Go by yourself. = běž sám - bez opírání se o někoho Go alone. = bež sám, = samotný, samotinký

Petra V.

Jak napsat / říct: Mohl bych přijít o něco dříve ?

Could I come a little early? Could I come a little sooner? a díky ... PeV

Petra V.

Rozdíl stink - smell

Je automaticky sl. SMELL bráno jako "voní" nebo to znamená spíše co to tu cítím - viz. příkl: Something is smelling here. What is smelling here? a smrdí pak musíme psát: Something is stinking here. What is stinking here? Díky ....

Jana P.

Jak říct anglicky TY

Jak byste řekli anglicky TYKAT?

Jana P.

should vs supposed to

Je nějaký rozdíl mezi should a supposed to v minulosti? Vyjadřuje to podle Vás to stejné nebo se to použije v jiné situaci?

Oleksandra H.


In your exercise book,write 5 guestions about Steve's farm in 3 on page 50. Does he raise horses on his farm? Prosim o 5 otazkovy vety ze farmy zvirat ,dekuji

Oleksandra H.


In your exercise book,write 5 guestions about Steve's farm in 3 on page 50. Does he raise horses on his farm?

Oleksandra H.


In your exercise book,write 5 guestions about Steve's farm in 3 on page 50. Does he raise horses on his farm?

Oleksandra H.


In your exercise book,write 5 guestions about Steve's farm in 3 on page 50. Does he raise horses on his farm?

Jana P.

On the lane or in the lane

Je správně použít předložku ON nebo IN před slovem LANE, ve smyslu cestička? Děkuji.