Monika C.

Monika C.

Monika C.

  • Preferované časy: dopoledne, po obědě, večer, víkend
Preferované časy: dopoledne, po obědě, večer, víkend
Doučuje předměty:


Languages are my passion. I am learning French and Spanish and I study Czech and English at Charles University. I love books and the theater. And I have been teaching Czech to foreigners at a language school for two years.

My students come from many different places and language backgrounds and this experience has taught me teaching methods to improve your Czech regardless of your previous knowledge and spoken languages.

In my lessons I endeavor to speak Czech almost exclusively, even with beginners, as I believe the most effective way to learn a language is by complete immersion. At the same time I am able to explain vocabulary, grammatical and linguistic concepts in English when necessary.

My lesson plans are individually tailored to your level of Czech and personal requirements.

Finally, I am convinced that together we can quickly improve your Czech and motivation is the only thing you have to possess to master a language!

Looking forward to hearing from you.