Abigail E.

Abigail E.

Odpovídá v průměru do 48 hodin.
48 hod+

Abigail E.

Native English Speaker from USA Teaching English and Spanish

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  • Od  300 Kč
Cena Od 300 Kč


Hello! My name is Gail and I am from the state of Oregon in the western U.S. I have a Bachelors degree in speech therapy and Spanish. I currently work as a private English teacher in Plzen and have experience teaching both children and adolescents as well as adults. I am really excited about language and eager to help others learn. I also lived for one year in Mexico as a teenager, so while I am not a native speaker, I can also tutor in Spanish or offer conversation practice.

Typy lekcí

Standardní lekce

300 Kč / 55 min.