Seth R.

Seth R.

Přijímá nové studenty

Seth R.

Přijímá nové studenty

Native English Lessons/Lekce angličtiny

  • Doučuje také online
  • Od  460 Kč
Cena Od 460 Kč
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Hello! My name is Seth Rieckel and I used to own and operate an English language school in Katowice, Poland. Originally from the state of New York, I have over five years of teaching experience in Europe. I have taught in large businesses such as PKN Orlen, Unilever as well as private lessons and in public schools. I am now offering online English lessons via Skype. Payments for the lessons will be made after the lesson using PayPal. Please contact me via Skype or email srieckel-gmail-com if you have any questions or would like to setup a lesson.

English lessons with a native speaker are a great way to get you speaking more comfortably and work on your pronunciation skills. Feel free to get in touch with me and we can start having English lessons together! I am available for English lessons anytime after 14:00.

Typy lekcí

Standardní lekce

460 Kč / 55 min.