Nchong V.

Nchong V.

Přijímá nové studenty

Nchong V.

Přijímá nové studenty

I am do give out awesome English and French language lessons in my home country Cameroon before moving over to the Czech republic.

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  • Od  300 Kč
Cena Od 300 Kč
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I have do have teaching experience spanning well over 6years. I specialized in teaching English and French and equally teach undergraduate and graduate courses amongst which include: safety at work, resource Economics and marketing. I am always dedicated in my job and result oriented only delivering excellence.

My ability to bring the best in my situation is by teaching them through a more practical approach and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of my students.

Typy lekcí

Standardní lekce

300 Kč / 55 min.