Ewa B.

Ewa B.

Přijímá nové studenty

Ewa B.

Přijímá nové studenty

English classes

  • Doučuje také online
  • Od  350 Kč
Cena Od 350 Kč
Doučuje předměty:


Hi there! I'm a trained English teacher (5 years at the university) with over 20 years of experience abroad. I lived in England, Scotland and India, and I can help you take your English to the next level.

I would like to take you to the level when you care fully independent in your learning and can manage on your own.

We will speak only in English during our classes, which can be online (preferably) or in person.

I'm friendly, funny and I really care about your progress and success. I love teaching, English is a beautiful language!

Typy lekcí

Standardní lekce

350 Kč / 55 min.