София А.

София А.

Přijímá nové studenty

София А.

Přijímá nové studenty

Become an A-grade FIT student with me!

  • Doučuje také online
  • Od  180 Kč
Cena Od 180 Kč


Nice to meet you! My name is Sofiia Azarova, I am on my first year of English program on FIT ČVUT, have been teaching for half a year, had an experience with individual and group lessons.
I will prepare you for your first exam on the way to FIT ČVUT!
We will go threw all the needed topics, practise together using previous year exams, tasks of different levels, homework to reinforce the material. You’ll have all the notes in English language.
If you are already on your first year, I can help you understand and pass your Discrete math course.
After 1 hour of the lesson you will have all the materials about the topic, examples of solved task and homework to practise and memorise the topic better.
I am also free to communicate and help 24/7 after the class.
See you on our first lesson, your first step to FIT ČVUT!

Typy lekcí

Типове заняття

180 Kč / 55 min.