Felix W.

Felix W.

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Přijímá nové studenty

Felix W.

Přijímá nové studenty

Inspiring English Language Tutor Who Can Help You Improve Fast

  • Doučuje také online
  • Od  470 Kč
  • Preferované časy: dopoledne, po obědě, večer
Cena Od 470 Kč
Preferované časy: dopoledne, po obědě, večer
Doučuje předměty:
Popis Typy lekcí Fotky & certifikáty Blogy


Felix Wright is an English language tutor based in Benešov.

He relocated with his family from London to the Czech Republic, where he obtained a TEFL certificate and focuses the majority of his teaching.

Felix has been dedicated to teaching English for several years, combining his teaching experience with travels around the world. This allowed him to explore numerous continents, meet interesting people not only among students but also from various cultures.

Teaching languages is not just a fulfilling job for Felix but also a hobby. He speaks some French and Latin too, he is currently learning Czech.

Among his other interests are scuba diving, martial arts, archery, literature, traveling, and meeting new people.

Typy lekcí

Standartní lekce

470 Kč / 55 min.

Fotky a certifikáty

Blogy (1)

Being a native English teacher might be harder than it seems

I came to the Czech Republic over a year and a half ago to live here with my lovely wife. Two days after our big move I started a full time TEFL course to get the certificate and to be able to become…