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anglický jazyk - vš

Rozbor věty - syntax

Dobrý den, máme zadání: “Analyze the sentence of your choice syntactically and present the analysis. Take into consideration all the possible syntactic aspects.”
Má věta je: I like the idea that we should all go together.
Je tu prosím někdo, kdo by mi poradil co s tím? Co vše určovat? Předem moc děkuju za každou radu :)

2 odpovědí
I would say that syntactically the sentence consists of a subject ("I"), a main verb ("like"), a direct object ("the idea"), and a subordinate clause ("that we should all go together").
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Moc dekuji, nějak víc to už rozebrat nejde?
Martin K.
Šla by ještě rozebrat vedlejší věta: ...and a subordinate clause which consists of a conjuction (that), a subject (we all), a predicate (should go - should je modální sloveso) and an adverb of manner (together).
Podrobně bych to rozložil asi takto:

"I like the idea that we should all go together."
- 1 sentence, 2 clauses (1st main declarative: "I like the idea", 2nd subordinate relative "that we should all go together.")

1st main declarative clause:
- Subject (Agent): "I" - Noun Phrase (NP) head consisting of a Personal Pronoun.
- Verb/Predicator: "like" - Verb Phrase (VP) head consisting of a lexical Verb.
- Object (Patient): "the idea" - Noun Phrase. This NP consists of a Determiner "the."

2nd subordinate, relative clause:
- Coordinating conjunction: "that" - Relative Pronoun.
- Subject (Agent): "we ... all" - NP consisting of a Personal Pronoun and a Quantifier.
- Verb/Predicator: "should go" - VP consisting of a modal Verb "should" and a lexical Verb "go."
- Adverbial: "together"

Kdyby to po Vás někdo chtěl jako stromeček, šlo by to namalovat jako na obrázku dole.

Doufám, že Vám to pomohlo :)

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